Posts Tagged ‘ onphoto

Elizabeth In Rags

This is the video I made for The Pale for a track from their new album “The Contents Of A Shipwreck”. It’s a little skaesque stormer called “Elizabeth In Rags”. The video is mostly made from photographs. It’s a bit of a visual mind feast and worthy of a few views to catch everything that’s happening along with the music. Featuring Matthew Devereux, Shane Wearen, Ashley the Cat & Doug the Dog. Hope you like it! The high quality version is available from my Stage6 channel here.

My new tattoo

fran tattooing me.

So I got a new tattoo four days ago and I am happy to present it here today! It’s the command key symbol from the apple keyboard and is also, more interestingly, St. Hannes Cross and The Bowen Knot. The tattoo artist was Fran Hartnett who also done one of my other tattoos and he did a great job.

my st hannes cross tattoo

Hello world!

So, this is the 1st post on my new blog. I had already made a start on this a few months back but I deleted it. I had to decide what to put in it first!

So to start, I am just messing around with WordPress and its plug-ins and widgets. Here is some of my Photography from my Flickr account. I will add more galleries here as soon as I get myself a Pro account. In the meantime, enjoy these view and pop over to my Flickr pages for more.