Archive for the ‘ Environmental ’ Category

Post No Bills

herald asbo article
[click for bigger image]

I picked up a free copy of the Evening Herald in Bus Aras the other day. Unfortunately there was no recycling bins where I could dispose of this waste of paper so I left it on the bench to pollute someone else’s mind after me! Anyway, I could write an in depth piece about ‘free’ newspapers and the waste that they are, but I will save that one for another day.

This story is related though and it stems from this piece that I snapped from this free rag to pass the time while I waited for my bus. The article talks about Anti Social Behaviour and the photo cites graffiti as being such that. But yet, graffiti is not mentioned in the article and I wonder if it is in the report at all.

Now I’m not going to defend all graffiti here. Some of it, is of course rubbish. Tags could be seen as just the work of bored teens rather than a piece of art or a statement. I don’t really get tagging to be honest. Some of it is good, especially on a big scale where there is obviously preparation and thought put into the design. But some is just crap, the “I woz ere” or “BA luvs GB” variety, as much to say “I own this here bit of wall, look at me”. Now I know a lot of graffiti artists will disagree with me, but you have to draw the line somewhere and by that I mean where you don’t write on walls. For example, if it is going to piss someone off enough to start addressing their local politicians about cleaning up the neighbourhoods and imposing tough penalties on people who draw on the walls no matter if they are just inconsiderate bored teens or creative street artists. In other words, painting them all with the same brush.
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Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Earth Summit 1992

In 1992, aged 12, Severn spoke to the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. This is a moving speech and she should be highly commended. This is the world we live in through the eyes of a child. Now, 15 years later what she talks about is more relevant than ever.
For more info on Severn today check out her Wiki page and more here.

Rossport Report.

They’re poisoning the water and those we are supposed to trust to protect us are beating us…
The multinationals, the servants and the people that is. Take it out of that…