Posts Tagged ‘ war


This blog doesn’t get much use unfortunately. I’ve been busy juggling a few different projects and plans are coming together for these webspaces (the channel) & (the network). Basically, it is all about collaborative curated media. I will explain more in detail when I put some shape back onto these sites and make them easy to navigate again.

In the meantime, aside from the web projects themselves I’ve been looking at the issue of the upcoming census in Ireland and it’s association with CACIĀ  who are accused of torture in the notorious Abu Gharaib prison in Iraq. They also are involved in the Scottish census while Lockheed Martin have a starring role in the census for the rest of the UK.I launched a few days ago to compile and curate some of the information out there regarding this. Here in Ireland there has not been adequate media coverage of this and the general public are not by enlarge aware of this issue.

The details are in the first stories on the site now. Tune in. Check it out.

The War On Terror (the board game!)

W.O.T. the f**K?!

The War On Terror is a board game, it’s fun for all the family!

Everyone starts with the best intentions. Then things start to get cramped. Then you notice your neighbour has more oil than you. Before long, war is waged, nukes are dropped, revolutions are fought and terrorists are doing your dirty work, before turning on you…

wot game map

For more crazy board games, check out the realm of Deputy Dog.