Archive for July 2nd, 2007

Darklight Symposium

darlight symposium graphic

Well, this post is a bit late but it relates to the Darklight Symposium which was held here in Dublin two weekends back. Well unfortunately I missed most of it as I was up to my eyes finishing off some work. It was a bit of a waste of the admission fee in fairness for me, as I really wanted to partake in the talk on the future of television. It was called “Television: 2.0 The Future of TV” and you can find out a bit more about it on the Darklight blog here
There is an podcast of the talk available from the blog and I just finished listening to it. It was all very interesting but I did find myself disagreeing with a lot of what most of the panel talked about as well as views from the audience. I have been immersed in this area with my own company for the past year and a half as well as with previous positions I have held. I won’t go into too much details on my opinions on the topic as they are central to my business plan and all will be revealed on that soon. One thing I will say, is that I believe that the future of audiovisual entertainment will be more creative when the power is taken away from the broadcasters. Read more