Archive for the ‘ ITISON ’ Category

A year out!

Just a quick post re WordPress. I have upgraded to 2.71. now which allows automatic upgrading of versions and plugins from here on it. Very handy indeed. However getting this working was not without it’s woes (some still unresolved here) but thanks to Tara in Blacknight it is now up and running. I needed to move on up to PHP5 and all seems ok now. One small snag though is that the posts (I re-imported them from backup I done earlier) from the last year (very little of them anyway admittedly) are not showing up in the normal page view. They are here though in the archive and in the sidebar over yonder. Anyway, it’s funny that it has jumped back almost a year to the day and my last post was concerning a Tara too!

Anyway, last years Paddy’s Day was spent up at Tara and it gonna be the same again this year. The documentary project has been on standby for the most part but there have been many developments in the last year that play an important part in the story. The major one being the huge economic slump worldwide and the unravelling of the incompetence and corruption that has prevailed in this country for the last decade under the guise of the Celtic Tiger. This does all fit in with the wider story I am attempting to tell with the Tara Saga story and it is sad the a lot of my predictions have come through. I’m not gleefully saying “I told you so” but there are interesting times ahead to say the least, where questions raised by groups involved with campaigns such as Rossport and Tara are going to be asked by the wider public.

It is a time though for reflection and change and hopefully people will have the time to concentrate on the things that matter. All the rest is irrelevant.

No Place Is Home (at Christmas)

This short documentary piece was made on Christmas Eve 2007 on the streets of Dublin. In it, we hear the stories of a number of homeless people and see the various ways people can end up out on the street. Thank you to the Dublin Simon Community for allowing me to film one of the soup runs. Almost a year later and I have edited this piece. It is rough and ready but I felt I needed to get this up before this Christmas to highlight the issue of homelessness. Now that we are in an economic downturn I hope we can be grateful for what we have and to help others less fortunate whenever we can. We are all only human afterall.

Please spread this video around

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Shook All Up

“Shook All Up” by You™ vs. Elvis was one of my favourite entries in the WFMU Sixty Second Song Remix Contest. If you haven’t heard of this before, do check it out.. there are some amazing minute versions of lots of well known tunes and other experiments like Nirvana’s “Nevermind” album squeezed into one minute. The Elvis mix by You™ is a quirky cut-up of his hit “All Shook Up”. So I decided to put video to it as I was using some Elvis moments in another project. I found a few versions online and it was amazing to see the change in the way Elvis sang it over time. Especially in the later Vegas years where he seems to just want to get it over with as quick as he can. Perhaps he should have remixed it! Anyway.. here goes it..

It’s all synced up!

for all good music
go to…

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